Exergames as a motivating pedagogical alternative in Physical Education classes: An integrative review
Aprendizagem motora, Pessoa com deficiência, Inclusão educacional, Jogo digital, Revisão integrativaAbstract
This integrative literature review aimed to analyze exergames as a possibility of motivating pedagogical resource for increasing the practice of physical exercises and energy expenditure in Physical Education classes. The descriptors “Physical Education”, “exergames”, “videogames”, “electronic games”, and “inclusion” were used in the electronic databases MedLine (via PubMed), ERIC, Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc, Campbell Collaboration, and Google Scholar. Sixteen original articles were selected, indexed by Qualis Periódicos (nine in Portuguese and seven in English), categorized in exergames and the motivating influence; exergames and energy expenditure; exergames and students with disabilities. The results indicated that the use of exergames as an intervention can be a motivating pedagogical alternative and a tool for increasing energy expenditure in the practice of physical exercises in Physical Education classes, as they encompass body movement combined with playfulness and incitement, being well accepted by students with or without disabilities. It is understood that the character of the fun that the exergames present can be a facilitating device. The fanciful world created by the playfulness of digital games, which require physical activity, makes it possible to increase energy expenditure and collaborate in learning and motor development.
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- 2021-12-30 (1)
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