The Giftedness in the Autonomous Region of Madeira
Development of policies and educational practices
Giftedness; high ability students; educational practices; inclusionAbstract
Attention to giftedness and high ability students, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM), has been acknowledged for being pioneer in Portugal. The main purpose of this paper is to outline the evolution of practices for high abilities students, and their legal framework, since the 90s, in RAM. Data were collected from interviews with some of the actors in this process and through analysis of available documents. Thus, it was possible to organise the historical path of giftedness in Madeira. So, it is presented a brief framework of the emergence of giftedness educational support and three sequential phases are also described: (a) Implementation of support services; (b) Consolidation of the provision of services; and (c) Current services provided. In general, despite the evolution and modification of the organisation of the services, the investment has been on the identification process and intervention, on evidence-based practice, seeking convergence of intervention with international guidelines. Some reflections on public policies about giftedness are pointed out, based on a comprehensive school and a possible improvement of practices that might facilitate equal opportunities and differentiation, according to the characteristics and needs of each student.
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