Discursive manifestations of internal contradictions in the production of digital mathematical cartoons
Mathematical education, Digital technologies, Initial education, AnimationsAbstract
This article presents a clipping from a master's research, in which we aim to discuss the discursive manifestations of internal contradictions that emerged during the work of future teachers with digital technologies for the production of mathematical cartoons. We base on concepts from Activity Theory that favor the analysis of such manifestations. The data were produced with undergraduate students in Mathematics at the State University of Mato Grosso - Brazil, in the context of the course called “LIC-TOON: Production of digital cartoons in the initial formation of Mathematics”. The research methodology adopted was the teaching experiment, which consisted of a series of 10 experimentation meetings with digital technologies. The procedures and instruments used for data production were: questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. During the last procedure, a logbook and audio and video records were used. Data analysis followed the qualitative paradigm based on the types of discursive manifestations of contradictions proposed by Engeström and Sannino (2011). The results indicated that the main types of discursive manifestations of internal contradictions were dilemma and double bond, they arose when the students chose the mathematical content to develop the cartoon and also when they began to study it.
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