Didactic proposal for a first approach to the writing of the scientifics papers in Basque





Academic literacy, Discursive genres, Didactic tool, Higher Education


Writing academic texts is one of the first tasks students face when entering university. Starting studies in Higher Education brings the need to learn the forms of oral and written interaction of this new discourse community and, consequently, an academic literacy acquisition process begins. Writing will also be the tool with which the students will show the knowledge learned and the means by which they will be evaluated. This work presents a didactic tool that has the purpose of helping students to carry out, with the help of teachers or autonomously, a first approach to the writing of academic texts in Basque, regardless of the area in which they are receiving their training. It is a didactic proposal that seeks to improve the formation in Higher Education and to respond to the educational demands through a genre-based approach. In this case, the selected genre is the scientific article. The application of this proposal contributes to identify the characteristics of the academic texts and to become familiar with the communicative demands of this type of productions. In parallel, it promotes autonomous learning and the development of useful discursive skills to function in the university community.


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How to Cite

Boillos Pereira, M. M., & Bereziartua Etxeberria, G. (2020). Didactic proposal for a first approach to the writing of the scientifics papers in Basque. Portuguese Journal of Education, 33(2), 26–47. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.19418


