Relation to subjects in biographical research in education


  • Anne Dizerbo CREAD EA 3875



Biographical research in education; Posture; Subject; Empowerment


This contribution intends to question the researcher's report to the actors-subjects of research, with regard to the specificities of biographical research in education. It is based on research carried out with several groups of middle school students and based on collective and individual biographical interviews and on written accounts of their school career. This research had two objectives: to understand the modalities of subjectivation of their educational path and orientation ; transform a situation in which the pupils had difficulties their path and orientation and in cooperating. It will be a question of presenting the implemented device as well as its epistemological and methodological framework and its epistemological and methodological framework then of analyzing the effects to understand the stakes of the relation of the researcher to the actors-subjects in biographical research.It will be highlighted that the specificities of this field of research invite on the one hand to register the investigation in a symmetrical meeting space, space of authorization, favorable to the development of the power to act of the actors and, on the other part, to develop an empathetic posture guaranteeing the respect of the actors and their empowerment.


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Author Biography

Anne Dizerbo, CREAD EA 3875

Dr en Sciences de l’éducation, chercheure associée au CREAD (Centre de Recherche sur l’Éducation, les Apprentissages et la Didactique) et à EXPERICE (Centre de Recherche Interuniversitaire, Ressources culturelles, Éducation) s’intéresse notamment à coproduire des connaissances en s’appuyant sur l’expérience des acteurs et à comprendre les processus de construction identitaire à l’œuvre dans divers contextes.


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How to Cite

Dizerbo, A. (2020). Relation to subjects in biographical research in education . Portuguese Journal of Education, 33(2), 244–260.



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