O The use of biographical narratives in research

What values, attitudes and methods to adopt?


  • Camila Aloisio Alves Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis Université Paris 13 Sorbonne Paris Cité




Narrative investigation, Methodology, Health and Education


The objective of this article is reflect on the three dimensions – ethical and deontological, heterobiographical and social engagement – inscribed in the approach of biographical research in education. To this end, it will be based on a study conducted with health professionals from a pediatric resuscitation and pediatric intensive care service of a referral hospital for childcare, located in the city of Paris/France. The aim of this study was understand the construction of the biographical trajectory of health professionals working in resuscitation and intensive care, as well as the lessons learned in the course of their experiences. In the scope of this article, the researcher's position, methodological choices, the way of conducting the fieldwork and the process of interpretation and analysis were emphasized in order to weave the links between research, health and education with a view to emphasize the social relevance of the biographical approach in education and its interdisciplinary character. As a result, the investigation contributed to build an understanding of how the participants build and learn from life experiences, using them as engines of their ways of acting in their daily work. This socially and ethically constructed understanding would not have been possible without the adoption of values and attitudes that value the shared construction of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Alves, C. A. (2020). O The use of biographical narratives in research: What values, attitudes and methods to adopt?. Portuguese Journal of Education, 33(2), 279–294. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.19741



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