Arts, crafts and locals knowledges: Human Development Scale and Good Living for an educational microsystem in São Gonçalo Beira Rio, Brazil
Arts and crafts, Education, Human Development Scale, Good LivingAbstract
The purpose of this research is to propose a design of an educational project from arts and crafts, that it can contain some elements of the Human-Scale Development and the Good Living, considering that these perspectives distinguish as main axis the well-being, the quality of life and the satisfaction of needs, respecting the identity and the specific characteristics of the communities, putting emphasis in the local-regional scale. To this end, the development of the Fundamental Human Needs of the community of São Gonçalo Beira Rio, Cuiabá, capital of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, is analyzed through different arts, crafts knowledges transmission process. Methodologically, a qualitative and descriptive research is developed, with an ethnographic focus, which includes the application of the Fundamental Human Needs Matrix, methodological instrument proposed by the Human Scale Development. With the analyzed data, the instrumental case study "Ceramic in argil: rise, risk and transcendence" was elaborated, which relates part of the experience lived by the Association of Artisans of the community in their fight for the preservation, transmission and diffusion of their culture. Finally, reflections and actions are proposed that translate into the design of an educational microsystem, materialized in an arts and crafts school nourished by the knowledge and traditions that are part of the local identity and elaborated in a collaborative and participatory manner. Currently, there is still much to be done, however, this work is a contribution from the present and future.
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