Assess to learn in experimental sciences
Formative assessment, Experimental sciences learning, Scientific skills, Investigative and practical activitiesAbstract
This article presents a study that aims to understand how a middle school Portuguese teacher develops assessment practices in Natural Sciences to guide and support the learning development. An interpretative methodology was followed, using a case study design. Teacher Eva is the case of this study. Interviews, class observation and documental research were used to collect data. Content analysis methodology was performed. The results show that Eva’s formative assessment practices reflect the importance of students to learn about science and to think about science, in an Inquiry Based Science Education approach. These practices, formal and informal in nature, are a way to contribute to teaching and learning. In order to gather evidence to improve the development of the students’ scientific competences, Eva uses oral and written feedback, learning objectives and assessment criteria in an explicit form, and the promotion of student collaborative work. To these strategies, Eva adds a careful selection of investigative structured tasks, oriented and open inquiry. The implications for teacher’s professional development are oriented by a dialogue of assessment practices.
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