Family involvement axes and profiles in the early childhood education stage: The case of “La Escuelita”
Early childhood education, Free pedagogy, Family involvement, New School MovementAbstract
In early childhood education, family and school must work in a coordinated manner to promote the integral development of childhood. There are many educational proposals that, aware of this, open their doors to families and to the community. The alternative educational project that this work focuses (affectionately called “La Escuelita”) is a local reference for family involvement, therefore, based on its study, this research aims to understand family dynamics to define the axes and family profiles of participation that are present in this project. The single case study of embedded design is used as a methodological option, including 24 units of analysis, and the in-depth interview as an instrument for collecting information. Results reveal two axes of family involvement: active participation and pedagogical ideology, which draw four different profiles present in the families (delegator, collaborator, sensitized and committed). It is concluded that, although the four profiles coexist in the school (“La Escuelita”), there is a predominance of those most involved, compared to those who delegate education to the school. The main contribution of this work lies in the family involvement axes model that was designed, useful as a reference frame for subsequent analysis in other educational contexts.
The single case study of embedded design is used as a methodological option, including 24 units of analysis, and the in-depth interview as an instrument for collecting information.
Results reveal two axis of family involvement: active participation and pedagogical ideology, which draw four different profiles present in the families (delegator, collaborator, sensitized and committed). It is concluded that, although the four profiles coexist in the school, there is a predominance of those most involved, compared to those who delegate education to the school. The main contribution of this work resides in the family involvement model of axis designed, useful as a reference frame for subsequent analysis in other educational contexts.
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