The collaborative relationship in continuing education with physical education teachers in childhood education
Continuing education, Physical education, Early childhood educationAbstract
In this article, we analyse the continuing education with Physical Education teachers of Early Childhood Education in Vitória / Brazil, developed through a partnership between teachers from the University and Basic Education. The training was centered on the pedagogical practices of the participants and on the reflections on them, which were systematized in the production of didactic-pedagogical material with teachers from the early childhood education in the state capital. This is a collaborative research-action, carried out between 2019 and 2020, with the participation of 27 teachers linked to Federal University of Espírito Santo and the Municipal Education Department. The data were produced through participant observation and recorded in a field diary. The content analysis of the data contributed to the formulation of the following thematic categories: a) training as a place for affections and affected: memory of the future; b) the plurality of voices in the sharing of experiences and in the collaborative action between teachers and the training team; and c) writing in the teacher training process: the production of didactic-pedagogical material. The results indicated the perspective of teachers as researchers of their own practice and the recognition of teachers from children's institutions as producers of knowledge. The authorial process, in the collaborative production of a didactic-pedagogical material, contributes to the formation of the participants, bringing them closer to the political and emancipatory dimensions of writing.
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