Level of knowledge of teachers about ADHD in the public state schools of Rondônia, in Brazil
KADDS, ADHD, Teachers, KnowledgeAbstract
The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent disorder in childhood and adolescence and presents challenges for the teaching and learning processes. Given this, it would be recommended that professionals working in the school context knew about the disorder, including aspects of diagnosis and treatment. This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge of teachers in state public schools in Rondônia about ADHD. The Brazilian version of the Knowledge of Attention Deficit Disorders Scale (KADDS-Br) was applied to 202 teachers from 18 municipalities in Rondônia. Descriptive and inferential analyses were conducted to explore the degree of knowledge, misunderstandings, and gaps about ADHD, including the total score and three subscales of KADDS-Br: general characteristics, symptoms/diagnosis, and treatment. The teachers who participated in the study showed a percentage of knowledge about ADHD of 52.67% but with relevant mistakes (18.90%) and gaps (28.48%). In relation to specific domains, the percentage of knowledge showed some variability, being more evident concerning symptoms/diagnoses (69.54%) and less prominent in general characteristics (46.45%) and treatment (48.95%). The level of knowledge of teachers in state public schools in Rondônia about ADHD is average, suggesting the need for specific training on the disorder.
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