Listening and formation: The pedagogical silence in Montessori




Silence, Listening, Autonomy, Discipline, Formation


Silence is a multifaceted phenomenon with different implications in the educational process. The concept of silence, which has been set aside from educational discourse, reappears due to its connection to the themes of attention and listening. It also resurfaces due to its influence on the classroom environment and the quality of the teaching and learning process. Assuming that the reconstruction of pedagogy is strengthened when it starts from the germs of new construction contained in its own socio-historical and cultural construction, this study takes up Maria Montessori's pedagogical proposal to identify the conception and types of silence advocated in the method of this pedagogue and interpret them as an expression of principles that marked the debate on school education in the 20th century. This study, of a hermeneutic nature, highlights a positive conception of silence, the appreciation of inner silence and its facet of recollection, as well as the perspectives of its exercise in a formal context of early childhood education and personal and social development enhanced by the unity between body and mind.


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Author Biography

Alberto Filipe Ribeiro de Abreu Araújo, Universidade do Minho, Portugal




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How to Cite

Araújo, A. F. R. de A., Machado de Araújo , J., & Mont’Alverne Chaves , I. . (2024). Listening and formation: The pedagogical silence in Montessori. Portuguese Journal of Education, 37(1), e24014.

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