OER culture: Ethics and aesthetics in teacher training
Open Educational Resource, Teacher training processes, Ethics and esthetics, OER CultureAbstract
In an exotopic movement, the school reflects and refracts the new social configuration sustained by the participatory culture mediated by network technologies. On the mat of rethinking teacher education processes, we analyzed, in a cyclical spiral of action-research, teaching knowledge, values and guiding meanings of pedagogical action, reared in the discipline Authorship and Co-authorship of Open Educational Resources (OER) in educational practices, in the course degree in Portuguese Languages at a distance from a Federal Public University. The results point out that the discipline leveraged open authorship, paving the way for overcoming naive awareness about dominant cultures in school contexts and constructing critical awareness about the teaching profession. We conclude that ethics and aesthetics in teaching, enhanced by the creation of OER, are harbingers of a future whose authorship is a constitutive part of the repertoire of knowledge on teaching professionalization and organization of life in society.
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