The institutionalisation of a separate system in childcare in Portugal (1974-2023): Understanding the place of the crèche
Social and Educational Policies, Split system, Crèche, Kindergarten, Children up to 3 years oldAbstract
Positioned within the fields of Education Sciences and the Sociology of Childhood, Family, and Education, we approach the recent political interest in crèches in the context of the relationship between early childhood, family, and the state. Our aim is to examine the role of crèches in the context of early childhood education prior to compulsory schooling. The educational institutionalization of early childhood (0 to 6 years old) has gained social significance in democratic Portugal. A separate system has been established for the care and education of young children, with crèche for ages 0-3 and kindergarten for ages 3-6. By analysing the legislative production regarding the care and education of young children published in Portugal from 1974 - 2023, we have observed that crèches serve as a socio-educational response under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Social Security. They assume responsibilities of guardianship and care while aiming to facilitate the reconciliation between work and family. On the other hand, kindergarten is attributed an educational function, with its pedagogical oversight falling under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. It integrates the educational system within the national network of pre-school education. This dichotomous system raises questions about the differentiation between care/education and its impact on the right of young children to education.
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