Exploring the SchoolTubers universe: Analysis of channels driven by Secondary Education Schools on the YouTube platform





Educational Video, Teaching Materials, Self-Instruction, Secondary School, Educational Technology


In a context of exponential growth in the use of social networks and content sharing online, this study focuses on the educational use that Secondary Education make of their YouTube channels. Using the PRISMA methodology, an exhaustive search was conducted on the YouTube platform. After applying the defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, a sample of 20 SEI channels with over 400 followers and 1250 videos was obtained. These videos were produced and openly shared between the years 2022 and 2023. Additionally, an instrument previously used for the analysis of EduTubers was adapted, and the videos were categorised according to their content. The results reveal that the most frequent use of these channels is sharing content created by students, followed by the visibility of events, promotion of the school, and interviews. Among the analysed channels, two were identified with a clear SchoolTuber profile, as they develop projects that contribute to the school's openness, are sensitive to the social reality of the context, and promote a culture of participation and collective responsibility among students.


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How to Cite

Romero Rodrigo, M., Cabrera Hernández , D. J. ., Martínez-Carrera, S. ., & Rodríguez Guimeráns , A. . (2025). Exploring the SchoolTubers universe: Analysis of channels driven by Secondary Education Schools on the YouTube platform. Portuguese Journal of Education, 38(1), e24007. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.36716



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