Teaching reading and literature in brazilian secondary schools. Controversies, diversity and polyphony


  • Míria Gomes de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais




Based on the goals of universal attendance across the population aged 15 to17 (Goal 3 from the Plano Nacional de Educação - Brazil 2011-2020) and onthe proposal of Law nr. 11.741/2008, which integrates secondary education and professional education, we review the discussion about the curriculum for this stage of primary education, highlighting the teaching of literature in its political dimension. Thus, we revisit the debate around the teaching of canonical and non-canonical works in secondary education curriculum, beginning with the basic features of "minor literature" (Deleuze & Guattari,1977). Our objective is to discuss minor and polyphonic reading practices (Bakhtin, 1997) as a means to promote interactions among the voices of teachers and students and the voices of power of the literary texts, creating a critical stance in the readers.


Teaching reading and literature; Secondary schools; Diversity and polyphony


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, M. G. (2014). Teaching reading and literature in brazilian secondary schools. Controversies, diversity and polyphony. Portuguese Journal of Education, 27(1), 95–110. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.4299


