Digital Technologies in School Administration: Practice, Proficiency and Training needs of School Principals in Portugal


  • João Piedade Universidade de Lisboa
  • Neuza Pedro Universidade de Lisboa



This paper presents the results of a study organized according to the post positivist research paradigm and is assumed a descriptive study involving 133 participants (16%) of a universe of 831 principals of the Portuguese public schools. This study aims to analyze the practices and proficiency levels indigital technology (DT) use presented by the Portuguese school principals.Data collection process was based on the application of two online self-report scales: ‘Computer self-efficacy scale’ and the ‘DT use in scholar administration practices scale’, in the school year of 2012-2013. The results show favorable scores both in DT proficiency level and in the use of digital technologies in professional practices. Therefore schools principals reported favorable personal attitudes towards the use of DT in their own professional activities.The study also explores the principals’ training needs in the area of digital technologies and even though the levels of DT use in professional practices are positive, principals pointed out significant needs regarding ICT training.

Keywords: ICT in education; School principals; Self-efficacy in DT use; DT use in schooladministration


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How to Cite

Piedade, J., & Pedro, N. (2014). Digital Technologies in School Administration: Practice, Proficiency and Training needs of School Principals in Portugal. Portuguese Journal of Education, 27(2), 109–133.


