Game and Protagonism of the Child in Early Education


  • Lívia Carvalho de Assis Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • André da Silva Mello Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Amarílio Ferreira Neto Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Wagner dos Santos Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Omar Schneider Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



Game, Physical Education, Children’s education, Protagonism


In this article, it is analyzed how children appropriate and use playful activities(games) in a Children’s Education Center located in the city of Vitória/ES/Brazil, in order to understand the role they establish in the relations with such cultural forms of expression. To do so, the Studies with the Daily Lifewere used as a methodological assumption. Data was produced through narratives and participant observations, for a four-month period of school insertion. The analyzes reveal that the game is lived by children inspontaneous situations and, above all, in Physical Education classes. In the first case, the children organize their own practices, predominantly of symbolic games; whereas in the classes, they act tactically, altering the games proposed by teachers according to their interests and needs. In both cases,Vygotsky social-historical perspective and Certeau’s concept of productive consumption highlighted the cultural production of the children in the relationsthey establish with the game, denoting its main role.


Keywords: Game; Physical Education; Children’s education; Protagonism


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How to Cite

de Assis, L. C., Mello, A. da S., Neto, A. F., dos Santos, W., & Schneider, O. (2015). Game and Protagonism of the Child in Early Education. Portuguese Journal of Education, 28(1), 95–116.




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