Youth without education in Spain from 2005 to 2014. The crisis of opportunity.


  • Juan Carlos Solano Lucas University of Murcia
  • Lola Frutos Balibrea University of Murcia



young people without education, inequality of opportunities, labor market


The educational structure of the young population in Spain is unique compared to other neighbouring countries. It is characterized by the polarization of the level of education of its young people. Spain is the only country in the OECD with high rates, young people with higher education, both for young people with an education level lower. We asked us on the educational and employment conditions of this group of young people in studies, very punished by the context of the economic crisis. Precariousness, temporality, training contracts or internship, part-time contracts are a constant in the Spanish labour market. They are becoming an informal norm of access to employment and prolonged insecurity of the same; in part, a result of changes in educational policies that limit their opportunities for promotion or improvement. It intended to limit access to higher education, contrary opinions and general views of education specialists who believe that the only way to sustainable improvement of economic growth and social progress must go hand in hand with the expansion of the education system tertiary, while also working on reducing the rate of young people with low educational levels. Ignore the importance of this group leaving education without protection against the risks of unemployment, job insecurity and social exclusion will lead to a loss of progress in Spain thanks to the high educational performance so far of higher education.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Solano Lucas, University of Murcia

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology and Social Work

Lola Frutos Balibrea, University of Murcia

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology and Social Work



How to Cite

Solano Lucas, J. C., & Frutos Balibrea, L. (2016). Youth without education in Spain from 2005 to 2014. The crisis of opportunity. Portuguese Journal of Education, 29(2), 287–327.


