SAQs as a Socio-Political Programme: Some Challenges and Opportunities


  • Ralph Levinson University College London, Institute of Education



Socially Acute Questions (SAQs), STEM, Science curriculum, Neoliberalism, Democracy, Action


In this article I argue for the role that approaches such as Socially Acute Questions (SAQs) can play in confronting the STEM discourse in the curriculum. For SAQs and similar approaches to be effective in enacting issues of social justice educators need to take account of local political contexts, the ethical and political assumptions which underpin values appertaining to social justice, such as concepts of communalism and libertarianism, and democratic practise in the school classroom where the students become co-enquirers in generating knowledge which aims to improve material realities. This is not a straightforward but one that demands reflection and critique throughout the process.


Author Biography

Ralph Levinson, University College London, Institute of Education

Ralph Levinson is Reader in Education at University College London Institute of Education. He taught science in London schools for 12 years before working in Higher Education. He teaches on pre-service, in-service, Masters and doctoral courses. His main research interests are socio-political aspects of science education, science pedagogy, and biology and chemistry education.


