Aging and Education
A Commitment on Digital Society
gerontological education, aging, digital inclusionAbstract
This article results from an investigation carried out in the Senior Universities of the district of Castelo Branco, in the academic year 2013/14. The objective of this study was to identify the sociocultural factors that influence and condition the option to learn about Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and to know the impacts of this learning on welfare (mental and social) throughout the aging process. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the need for communication, socialization, combating isolation and maintaining intellectual activity are the main sociocultural factors that influence the learning of ICT in these participants. The exercise of memory and intellectual aptitudes, participation and inclusion in the digital society, the feeling of modernity and the reduction of loneliness were the most evident impacts on the "mental well-being" and "social well-being".
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