Active Child Citizenship in Territories of Social Exclusion
childhood, neighbourhood, participation, citizenship, inclusionAbstract
Children play a key role in building knowledge, both on themselves and on the contexts in which they move, enabling a greater understanding of how they approach their lives, especially in contexts as specific as the neighbourhood of social housing.
We sought to understand, question and mobilize children as active agents in the processes of meaning attribution to their ways of life in their fields of action, faced with the possibility of assuming themselves as subjects endowed with a meaningful action in such contexts.
Children shown social skills of participation in the analysis, identification and involvement in social life, assuming their own points of views, identifying problems, assigning responsibilities and offering proposals for their resolution, thus showing self-sufficiency and leadership in their lives. Although without adult support they could not continue to develop the change they initially proposed, they changed attitudes and achieved a place of higher power.
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