Elaboration of Hypothetical Learning Trajectories as an Opportunity for the Mathematics Teacher Education
mathematics education, pre-service teacher education, Hypothetical Learning TrajectoriesAbstract
The purpose of this article is to describe and analyze the constituent elements of Hypothetical Learning Trajectories (HLT), developed by teachers who teach mathematics, in a context of in-service teacher education. The data collection was based on the written productions of 8 HLT elaborated in the context of an in-service teacher education workshop. The research has a qualitative and interpretative character, and it is based on content analysis. The results indicate that: the teachers presented strategies and procedures of school mathematics; the constituent elements of the elaborated HLT are similar of their school practices; and these elements are associated with the domains of mathematical knowledge for teaching. The preparation of HLT by mathematics teachers is an opportunity for teacher education, in which mathematical and pedagogical demands are configured as a context for discussions, problematizations and productions of mathematical knowledge for teaching.
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