Narrative Research in the Study of the Learning of Mathematics Teachers in Hybrid Collaborative University-School Spaces
metasynthesis, narrative inquire, collaborative group, border community, teacher trainingAbstract
This study describes and discusses Narrative Research as a methodological alternative to study and understand the learning of mathematics teachers in hybrid collaborative university-school communities. Under a qualitative approach, a systematic review modality called meta-synthesis, the corpus of analysis is a doctoral thesis that used Narrative Inquire in the Relational perspective, with the leading question: What contributions, limitations and possibilities are shown by the use of Narrative Research to investigate and understand the learning of mathematics teachers who participated in a hybrid or border collaborative university-school community? The results of the meta-synthesis show contributions, challenges and possibilities of Relational Narrative Inquire to investigate teacher learning in hybrid collaborative communities, especially when teachers are also encouraged to investigate their practices narratively, with the collaboration of the teacher educators, and when both groups are committed to discuss and understand what and how they learn in this context.
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