Pacing Out Educational Temporalities
A Praxeological Approach to the Research on Time in Adult Education Fields
time, temporality, methodology, ethnography, practice theoryAbstract
Time is not merely a framework condition for social practice; rather, specific temporalities emerge in and through social practice and this, of course, also applies to the social practice in adult education and learning. This article raises the methodological question of how these educational temporalities can be empirically examined, specifically in adult education courses. To this end, it first discusses a praxeological perspective, and especially the analysis of social fields, as a conceptual and analytical basis for the investigation of time in adult education. By then referring to the discourse on organizational tempography, a heuristic of time-related subjects to be investigated can be given. Finally, it argues that an ethnographic set of research methods is particularly promising for such an endeavour. In the interlacing of the three perspectives, a methodological framework for research on temporalities in adult education will be presented.
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