The Use of Technology and its Contributions to the Comprehensive Training of Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Mathematics Classes
special education, math, technology, autism, intellectual disabilityAbstract
This article aims to specify favorable contributions to the comprehensive training of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and students with Intellectual Disabilities, through investigations whose object of study are teaching and learning processes of mathematical content using educational technological resources. As a methodological basis, qualitative bibliographic research was adopted. The academic works that were analyzed articulate: Technology, Special Education and Mathematics. Significant contributions can be specified that fall into different dimensions: emotional, social, and cognitive. In conclusion, despite being different groups of students and with particularities often considered as unique, similar results were identified in relation to the same strategies applied, which leads to the conclusion that the flexibility offered using technology contributes to the construction of a non-homogenized practice that can meet the singularities of all students, allowing them to learn in the same environment.
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