Aspects of Continuing Education of Teachers Working in the Education of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
teacher training, mathematics, intellectual disability, soroban, numbers and operationsAbstract
This study aims to analyze the process of continuing teacher education who work with people who have a diagnosis of intellectual disability, for the insertion of soroban as a calculation tool for these students. Based on the Historical-Cultural Theory, the study used collaborative research as a strategy. Held in the Midwest region of Paraná, Brazil, it involved the participation of nine teachers working in the education of people with intellectual disabilities in the city. The study shows: i) the precariousness of teacher training for teaching Mathematics; ii) the conception of the teachers participating in the research that students with this disability are less developed than other students and “slower” in learning and iii) the need of continuing education for teachers. At the end of the study, there was a consensus among the participating teachers that teaching based on students' abilities and the use of soroban as a mediating instrument promote the learning and development of mathematical concepts.
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