Pathways of Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Vocational Education
A Mapping of Conceptual Approaches through an Integrative Literature Review
pathways, vocational education, social inclusion, social exclusionAbstract
The biographical and educational paths of Vocational Education (VE) students are mostly related to school failure and socioeconomic vulnerability. School reveals itself, therefore, as a field of reproduction of social inequalities, contributing to the stigmatization of VE. However, its (potential) role in promoting the inclusion of young people at risk of social exclusion is highlighted.
The article aims to analyse the scientific contribution to this issue and identify the classic founders that guide the theoretical-conceptual framework of recent empirical studies, through an integrative literature review.
The results obtained confirm academic and scientific interest in Vocational Education and Training, especially internationally. However, there is a lack of research focused on the sociological analysis of the phenomena of social inclusion and exclusion. The theoretical-conceptual framework in the theories of cultural reproduction and in the concept of social justice is highlighted. We consider this mapping a relevant contribution to the theoretical-conceptual discussion.
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