PCK of Physics Teachers about the use of Multiple Representations in a Lesson Study
PCK, multiple representations, lesson study, ohm's law, teaching physicsAbstract
This work aims to present the pedagogical content knowledge developed by Physics teachers regarding the use of multiple representations (MRs) in teaching Ohm's Law when engaged in a lesson study. Four high school Physics teachers from public schools in Brazil participated in this study. The lesson study consisted of 18 sessions, each lasting 2,5 hours. A qualitative research methodology was chosen for this study. Data were collected through audio/video recordings, interviews, and other written materials produced during the lesson study. Data analysis revealed that emphasizing MRs enhances the teaching of the topic by providing complementary information, facilitating restricted interpretations, and fostering deep understanding. Considering the complexities of MRs, the teachers examined the information accessible to students and how they can use it, encouraging them to find effective ways to integrate MRs to support the learning process.
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