Frameworks of Regulation: Evidence, Knowledge and Judgement in Inspection


  • Jenny Ozga University of Oxford
  • Martin Lawn University of Oxford



Regulation, Inspection, knowledge, Governance, Governing by Inspection, England, Scotland, Sweden, School inspection


This issue of Sisyphus draws on work in the research project ‘Governing By inspection: school inspection and education governance in England, Scotland and Sweden’. That research seeks to fill a gap in the literature on the governing of education by examining the ways in which inspection regimes may be understood as governing education-in this case in the three national education systems of Sweden, England and Scotland. (...)


Author Biographies

Jenny Ozga, University of Oxford

Jenny Ozga is Professor of the Sociology of Education in the Department of Education, University of Oxford. Her main research area is education policy, and her recent funded research includes investigation of new governing forms and relations in education in Europe, with particular attention to the role of data and inspection.

Martin Lawn, University of Oxford

Martin Lawn is Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, Department of Education and visiting professor, University of Turku. His research interests are concentrated on the idea of the European policy space in education — its conceptualization, development and practices — and the sociology and history of the education sciences.


