Professional Development and Profiles of Pedagogical Guidance in Teaching in Higher Education
professional development, pedagogical guidance, teaching in higher education, higher educationAbstract
The article results from an extension study, a stage that follows a first qualitative study, and is integrated in a sequential and complementary way in a larger study, in which we tried to deepen the understanding of the professional development process of higher education teachers. Considering, in particular, the teaching dimension of the professional practice, and regarding teachers who work in the training of polytechnic higher education teachers, different profiles of pedagogical orientation have been linked both to the concerns expressed by teachers, as to their concepts about the teaching-learning process. By applying questionnaires to the teaching population of the Higher Education Schools of the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, it was possible to group the teachers into three groups with different traits of pedagogical orientation. We, also, conclude that none of the sociodemographic variables analyzed interfered per se in the groups' composition.
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