Education, Freedom, and Emancipation from the Standpoint of the Recognition Theory
Interview with Axel Honneth
education, Bildung, recognition, social freedom, emancipationAbstract
In this interview, Axel Honneth discusses his views on education that leads to social freedom as the opposite of the currrently predominatly understanding of education as training for employability. He explains, in which sence social freedom as goal of education differs from autonomy and emancipation. Honneth also emphasises the significance of childrens’ imaginative powers for a democratic society.
HONNETH, A. (2015). Education and the Democratic Public Sphere: A Neglected Chapter of Political Philosophy. In J. JAKOBSEN & O. LYSAKER (Eds.), Recognition and Freedom. Axel Honneth’s Political Thought (pp. 17-32). Leiden/Boston: Brill.
HONNETH, A. (2020). Kindheit. Unstimmigkeiten unserer liberalen Vorstellungswelt. In A. HONNETH (Ed.), Die Armut unserer Freiheit. Aufsätze 2012-2019 (pp. 234-263). Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag AG.
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