(I)Legitimate Languages or "What talking means"

What Space(s) for Didactic Collaboration Between Heritage Language Teaching and Compulsory Education in Switzerland?





heritage language teaching, compulsory education, collaboration, linguistic repertoire, pluralistic approaches


In a global and transnational society, the school population is increasingly multicultural and multilingual. Switzerland, multilingual by nature, has a strong migrant community, therefore many heritage languages ​​are part of the educational landscape. However, this high linguistic diversity does not seem to have acquired proportional visibility in the compulsory educational system. In this context, the concept of “legitimate language” (Bourdieu, 1982), helps us to understand the phenomenon of an “illegitimate language experience”, as described in the “period of hidden children” (Frigerio, 2014).

In this text, we will discuss the presence and promotion of linguistic diversity in the Swiss school system. The analysis of the results of two pedagogical projects will allow us to understand in which areas collaboration between compulsory education and heritage language teaching can be developed and which is the added value of this didactic articulation, allowing us to trace perspectives for future 'legitimate' experiences of all languages.


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Author Biographies

Irene Zingg, Institute for Research, Development and Evaluation, University of Teacher Education and Institute of Social Anthropology, Bern, Switzerland

Licenciada em Antropologia Social, História Moderna e Linguística pela Universidade de Berna, Suíça. Atualmente é professora no Instituto de Educação Pré-Escolar e Primária da Universidade de Berna, centrando-se na migração e educação, lidando com a diversidade e o apoio linguístico integrado. É estudante de doutoramento no Instituto de Antropologia Social da Universidade de Berna.

Maria de Lurdes Gonçalves, Camões, I.P. & CIDTFF, Departamento de Educação e Psicologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Doutorada em Didática de Línguas pela Universidade de Aveiro (UA), exerce funções no Camões, I.P. como Coordenadora do Ensino Português no Estrangeiro, na Suíça, desde 2013. É colaboradora do CIDTFF (Centro de Investigação em Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de Formadores) - UA e desenvolve investigação sobre desenvolvimento profissional docente, plurilinguismo, educação intercultural, ensino de língua de herança.


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