Rural vs Urban Crossed Approaches: School and Territory Representations of Pupils at the End of Primary Education. Case Study of Drôme, France


  • Cécile dos Santos Université Lyon 2
  • Thierry May-Carle Aix-Marseille Université
  • Pierre Champollion Université Joseph Fourier


Palabras clave:

Language apprenticeship, Learning territory, Social representation, Rural school, Urban school


Learning, trajectories and social representations of pupils at the end of primary school (CM2) have often been the object of territorial analysis, both rural and urban. But, so far, few comparative studies have picked up on this subject. This is what began here: after twice characterizing the education of rural students in CM2 (in 2000 and 2012, in the context of longitudinal studies), in 2014 the Ardèche and Drôme researchers of the Observatory of Education and Territories (OET) proceeded to «survey» CM2 students from three schools-one in a «small town» (Privas), a downtown one in a «big city» (Valencia) and one in a «difficult neighbourhood» in a big city (Valencia once again)-in an attempt to explore and map out the future research that started in the spring of 2015. The very first «results» are presented in this article, which focuses on an ongoing experiment in the field of «educational planning» («didactique du territoire»).


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Biografía del autor/a

Cécile dos Santos, Université Lyon 2

professor of schools-master instructor in the department of Drôme in France, has been working as a teacher for ten years at a primary school–Pierre Rigaud belonging to a «priority education network» of Greater Valencia. She is currently preparing a university doctorate in Educational Sciences at the University of Lyon 2.

Thierry May-Carle, Aix-Marseille Université

A schoolteacher-master trainer in the Drôme department in France, is a member of the «Observatory Education and Territories» for ten years. Director of the primary school Jean de la Fontaine in Valencia, he holds a doctorate in education from University of Science degree in 2012 from the University of Aix-Marseille1.

Pierre Champollion, Université Joseph Fourier

is a former school inspector and deputy director of the IUFM Grenoble, Pierre Champollion is currently Research holder in the laboratory ECP Education, Culture, Policy (Education Sciences) and research associate in the laboratory ESO-Caen Spaces and Societies (geography). He chairs since 2009 the «Observatory Education and Territories», multidisciplinary research team (education sciences, sociology, geography). His personal research focuses on the issue of «education, territoriality and territory». Doctor of the University of Provence (Aix-Marseiller), holder of an authorization to supervise research obtained on the University Paul Valery (Montpellier3), he has published numerous articles and books on relations school-territory, rural and mountain including, question that remains little attention in educational sciences.


