Ways of analysing the relationship between hosts and tourists


  • Larissa Paola Macedo Castro Gabriel University of Coruña, España
  • Jakson Renner Rodrigues Soares University of Coruña, España




Destination Image, Tourism Promotion, Cultural Tourism, Heritage, Public actors


Destination image has a very important role in the research and practice of marketing because, in many cases, the image held by potential visitors is as important as the particularities of the destination. In this regard, the tourism promotion has an essential role in creating and maintaining a competitive advantage based on building a sustainable and effective image, and furthermore the advertising is one of the main tools used by tourism organizations to influence on destination images and consumers behavior. On the other hand, considering the growing interest in using cultural heritage tourism as an important tool for the development of destinations, this theoretical research will analyze the role of tourism promotion in building the image of heritage destinations and the limitations found by public agents in achieving a balance between conservation and touristic commercialization of the heritage.


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How to Cite

Macedo Castro Gabriel, L. P., & Renner Rodrigues Soares, J. (2023). Ways of analysing the relationship between hosts and tourists. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 8(2), 51–67. https://doi.org/10.57883/thij8(2)2017.30366