European academic mobility and educational and cultural tourism: Decision and motivation factors


  • Anabela Monteiro University of Coimbra
  • Rui Machado Gomes University of Coimbra



Mobility, Motives, Culture and education


The subject of this article reflects on the reasons and decision factors that stimulate the creation of a European academic mobility and identification of patterns and trends that approach the academic mobility of educational and cultural tourism. It is in this perspective that we present the result which confront scientific knowledge, concepts and reflections found in the literature review and the consumer look Erasmus academic mobility. The understanding of this universe allowed to investigate, adjust and deepen the question of starting promoter of this thesis: "The mobility program ERASMUS has features that let you define as a form of education or cultural tourism?"


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How to Cite

Monteiro, A., & Machado Gomes , R. (2023). European academic mobility and educational and cultural tourism: Decision and motivation factors. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 2(1), 154–173.

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