Citizenship Identity, Europe, Democracy, Diversity, Human Rights, Skills development.Resumo
All partners in the “Otherness”, Erasmus + KA2 project, share the idea that every individual is unique, equally worthy and has the right to live according to his beliefs, customs, practices and established behavior rules. We live in a world in which globalization and migration have brought together people from different ethnic origins, religious backgrounds, beliefs, traditions and languages. But sharing a common space does not automatically result in opening yourself to Otherness, trying to understand differences, valuing diversity and building common grounds for dialogue.
The target groups of the project are (1) Students aged 12/13 -15 (lower secondary school age) when they start consciously shaping attitudes and concepts; (2) Teachers and (3) Local communities.
Project activities and outputs: 1. Researching; 2. Designing a training program; 3. Transnational training activity for teachers from selected schools; 4. Piloting the training program in the selected educational institutions during school year 2016-2017; 5. Feedback and recommendations from participating teachers and students in the pilot trainings; 6. Upgrading the training program to meet teachers' and students' recommendations; 7. 2nd transnational training activity for teachers; 8. Final implementation: teachers form 2nd transnational training run trainings in the institutions they teach in during school year 2017-2018; 9. Evaluation - survey on students' attitude to Otherness
Project activities result in acquiring new knowledge and skills, and changing attitudes: students learn about Human Rights; believe and respect human rights to a greater extent; teachers get the knowledge of basics in Human Rights, Diversity and education for community well-being;
In the long run, we expect the students who have participated in the project to grow up and become open-minded citizens, value diversity and build non-violent societies based on collaboration, assertiveness and integrity.
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