Daily minimum air temperatures in the Serra da Estrela, Portugal
The Serra da Estrela is part of the Iberian Central Cordillera and isthe highest mountain in Portugal (1,993 m ASL). The Torre-Penhas Douradas and Alto da Pedrice-Malhada Alta plateaus with altitudes between 1,400 and 1,993m, which are separated by the Alforfa and Zêzere valleys dominate the highest part of the range. The central massif is dissected by several glacially sculpted valleys thatoriginate reliefs from 200 to 700m. This morphological diversity controls to a great extent the local climates of the mountain. Nine air temperature data loggers were installed in contrasting topographic situations, with special emphasis to valley floors and interfluve sites. Data collection was made each 2-hours from 27th December 1999 to 27th March 2000. Minima temperature most of the times occurs at 7 UTC. The minimum air temperature patterns based on the data from the nine sites were classified using k-means. Two contrasting events were chosen for the centroids of the classification. Cluster 1 represents the stable events with thermal inversions in the valleys and higher temperature in the interfluves. The valley floors at higher altitudes present lower temperatures than the ones at lower positions. Cluster 2 groups the unstable episodes with more turbulence and a temperature decrease controlled by altitude. In this group temperature does not depends on thetopographic position.Downloads
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