Migrações Humanas

A História de Vida de um Imigrante Qualificado Congolês - Enraizamento, Relações Ambientais e Inserção em uma Universidade Brasileira


  • Diogo Souza Magalhães UNIASSELVI




This article deals with qualified human migrations by presenting the life story of an African academic, from Congo Brazzaville, and his insertion in a Brazilian University. It aims to point out how a qualified immigrant manages to search for facts in his memory, in order to rescue his history, highlighting important points for him about his trajectory. The context is that of the Undergraduate Student Agreement Program (PEC-G) at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), in Palmas, Northern Brazil. It discusses human migrations in the context of countries with different environmental and social problems and how such issues affect the life of a student with an agreement before and during the time of their stay at the Academy, preparing for professional life. The issue of transnational academic/scientific mobility is discussed in an interdisciplinary way to verify the impacts of it on the individual - the academic partner - as well as on their country of origin and destination. The method used is Life History, which sheds light on contemporary and important themes, such as rootedness, identity, community, culture and gender. It concludes by pointing out that skilled migration is a growing phenomenon, interdisciplinary due to its complexity, since it impacts the individual, the family, society and the environment, providing development expectations.



How to Cite

Magalhães, D. S. (2023). Migrações Humanas: A História de Vida de um Imigrante Qualificado Congolês - Enraizamento, Relações Ambientais e Inserção em uma Universidade Brasileira. Interacções, 19(65), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.26588



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences