Gênero e Infâncias

Percepções de Professoras e Professores Atuantes em Escolas de Ensino Fundamental Brasileiras


  • Ivone Maria Mendes Silva Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS)
  • Tatiane Fátima Lapinski Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
  • Jaqueline Trentin Agostini Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul




In Brazil, elementary education, offered to children from the age of 10, has a mandatory character, the offer that constitutes the daily life of girls for the vast majority of boys and boys and girls. In order to form ideas for children of different sociocultural origins and their policies and childhood, these are educational practices that provide opportunities for reflections on differences/alterities. This article analyzes how teachers working in elementary schools perceive and address gender issues in everyday school life. The work was theoretically based on contributions from social studies of childhood and gender studies. In addition to the bibliographic survey on the subject in national databases, an ethnographic research was carried out, using observation and individual/group interviews with teachers from the public school system in three small/medium-sized cities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Upper Uruguay Gaucho), Brazil. Based on the data, it was found that gender issues are repeated in different ways in everyday relationships and practices, but are also objects of planned and continued work. Dialogue with students about their doubts, concerns and perspectives about gender occurs, more commonly, when they demand it. It is concluded that the potential improvement and education of the educational work in this sphere can bring contributions to the school to exercise more effectively the guarantee of the right to childhood, as well as the recognition of children as citizens and citizens.

Author Biographies

Tatiane Fátima Lapinski, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Possui graduação em Pedagogia pela Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (2019), pós graduação em Lúdico e psicomotricidade na educação infantil, pela Faculdade
Educacional da Lapa. Tem experiência na área de Educação, com ênfase em Educação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: masculinidades, juventudes, gênero e
educação, pedagogia, leitura e educação infantil. Atualmente é professora de educação infantil de uma rede municipal de ensino.


Jaqueline Trentin Agostini, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Graduada em Pedagogia pela Universidade  Federal da Fronteira Sul  (2015), com especialização em educação infantil pelo Instituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional do Alto Uruguai - IDEAU (2017).



How to Cite

Mendes Silva, I. M., Lapinski, T. F. ., & Agostini, J. T. (2022). Gênero e Infâncias: Percepções de Professoras e Professores Atuantes em Escolas de Ensino Fundamental Brasileiras. Interacções, 18(61), 163–189. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.26877



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences