Desenvolver a Consciencialização para o Bem-estar Animal em Alunos do 5.º Ano de Escolaridade


  • Andreia Gonçalves PaRK International School
  • António Almeida Instituição Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa / CICS.NOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa



The present study aimed to develop awareness of animal welfare in students of the 5th grade and its main objectives were: (i) to identify the conceptions that students have about different situations that involve the relationship between humans and animals; (ii) to develop students' critical thinking about animal welfare, through activities that allow the discussion of different situations involving animals and with relevance to society; and (iii) to develop their awareness of animal welfare, through the recognition of many of the negative actions that are exerted on animals. Methodologically, it had a mixed nature with procedures close to Action-Research. The main tool of data collection was a questionnaire with questions of a closed and open nature, administered before and after a set of sessions where severe resources were explored to work on the use of animals for different human purposes. Quantitative data were treated at the level of inferential statistics using SPSS and qualitative data were subjected to content analysis and responses were categorized. The results of the study indicate that the resources designed promoted a greater awareness of animal welfare in children and helped to develop their critical thinking, since they were able to identify situations of injustice involving animals and to argue against them.



How to Cite

Gonçalves, A. ., & Almeida, A. (2022). Desenvolver a Consciencialização para o Bem-estar Animal em Alunos do 5.º Ano de Escolaridade. Interacções, 18(62), 22–45.



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences