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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I assure you that the submitted manuscript does not contain any identifying data of the authors and I have followed the instructions available in the Peer Blind Review.

  • I hereby declare that the article which is being submitted to the Millenium Journal, and which is identified above, is original and that it hasn’t yet been published in any other place. I can also assure that this article won’t be published afterwards, in the same form or in another language.

  • I declare that the article is in agreement with the citation process recommended by the Millenium Journal and does not contain any plagiarism

  • I declare that the article respects the ethical procedures regarding the elaboration and publication of scientific works and doesn’t violate the copyrights current legislation

  • I declare that there is no conflict of interests whatsoever and that all the support received is documented in the article

  • I declare that I am submitting the article written in English, Portuguese or Spanish, and if it is in Portuguese or Spanish, I undertake to translate it into English at A level.

  • I give my consent to the indexing of the article in national or international databases networks to which the Millenium Journal is or may be indexed. 

  • I declare that I’m responsible, as are the article’s other authors, for any violation of the above principles or any others that might affect the Journal’s reputation and the scientific community’s rigour principles

Author Guidelines

For more information about the types of articles accepted in the journal, formatting guidelines (text, figures, and tables), and cartographic and bibliographic guidelines, authors should consult the instructions for Authors page.

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