Instructions for Authors

The journal, which in 2016 completed 20 years of existence, is open to the collaboration of all interested parties and continuously accepts proposals for submission of articles. Authors may submit the texts proposed for publication on Millennium's website but must strictly observe the indications for collaboration and the rules for presentation.

Authors must use the TEMPLATE of Millenium.
1 - An article submitted for publication must be original, it must not have been published elsewhere, and the main/corresponding author must inform the journal whenever it has been submitted for publication elsewhere, as well as inform of its acceptance for publication elsewhere.
2 -
When submitting the text for publication, the authors must confirm and explicitly declare that the articles submitted are original and have not been published, totally or partially, elsewhere and that they authorize its publication in the journal, as well as assume that they will not be published later in the same form or another language, without the prior consent of the journal.
3 - Articles must be published in English,
with the option of submitting an initial version in Portuguese or Spanish for the bilingual edition of the journal. The title, abstract and keywords/descriptors must always be presented in all three languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish). Once they have been accepted for publication in Millenium, articles submitted in Portuguese and Spanish must be translated into English, level A, by the author. It is the author's responsibility to ensure a certified translation and to submit the translated version by the deadline set by the journal.

1 - There should not be more than six authors duly identified with name, e-mail, country, ORCID identifier, institutional affiliation, and contributions given by each author. ARTICLE FORM
2 - The authors, when submitting an article for publication in the Journal, are legally responsible for ensuring that the work does not constitute an infringement of copyright, as well as taking responsibility for compliance with the ethical standards applicable to scientific work and publication, exempting the Journal from any liability.
- It is the author's responsibility to obtain the appropriate authorization for the publication of texts, images, or any other material subject to copyright.
- The contents of the texts and the opinions, ideas, and concepts expressed in the published articles are their authors' exclusive and entire responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Journal's Editorial Team.

Millenium ensures that authors can identify their contributions to the published articles through a precise and detailed description of the tasks performed by each author.
The authors' contribution is indicated according to CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). More information about CRediT is at

Each author should identify the tasks in which they participated and may have contributed in several roles:

  1. Conceptualization
    Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research aims and objectives.
  2. Data curation
    Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), cleanse data, and maintain research data (including software code where necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use and later re-use.
  3. Formal Analysis
    Statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques are applied to analyze or synthesize study data.
  4. Funding acquisition
    Acquisition of financial support for the project that gave rise to this publication.
  5. Investigation
    Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically carrying out the experiments or data/evidence collection.
  6. Methodology
    Developing or designing methodology; creating models.
  7. Project administration
    Responsible for directing and coordinating the planning and execution of the research activity.
  8. Resources
    Provision of study materials, reagents, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computer resources, or other analytical tools.
  9. Software
    Programming, software development; design of computer programs; implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.
  10. Supervision
    Supervision and leadership responsibility for the planning and execution of the research activity, including guidance from outside the core team.
  11. Validation
    Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replication/reproducibility of results/experiments and other research products.
  12. Visualization
    Preparation, creation, and presentation of published work, including data visualization/presentation.
  13. Writing - original draft
    Preparation, creation, and presentation of the published work, namely original drafting (including substantive translation).
  14. Writing - review & editing
    Preparation, creation, and presentation of the published work by members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary, or revision - including pre- or post-publication stages.


The title, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, has a maximum of 15 words or 140 characters, including spaces, and does not contain abbreviations, acronyms, or acronyms or the geographical location of the research.

The abstract is written in Portuguese (resume), English (abstract), and Spanish (resumen), with a maximum of 230 words or 1500 characters, including spaces and respects the structure and description of the type of article: Theoretical Article/(AT/E) Essay; Research Article (AI); Systematic Review Article (ARS); Historical Research Article (AIH), Clinical Cases and others.

Keywords should be a maximum of five, written in Portuguese (descriptors), English (descriptors), and Spanish (descriptors), separated by semi-colons (";"), and using, whenever possible, standard descriptors from the different areas of knowledge.
In the health area, extracted from the DeCS vocabulary (Descriptors in Health Sciences - research at or MeSH (Medical Subject Headings - research at

The full text of the article has a maximum of 40 thousand characters (including spaces, bibliographical references, tables, charts, graphs, and figures), does not present bold, underlined, colored background or footnotes, respects the spelling of the orthographic agreement and does not present semantic or morphological errors. Full stops separate statistical data in the case of English and by commas in the case of Portuguese. The text is formatted in Microsoft Word or compatible (as long as it does not exceed 2MB), font Calibri size 10 pts, with 1.5 spacing. The page has format A4, in a single column, without justification, and has margins of 2.5 cm.

The description of data/results is clear in tables and figures, preceded by the respective table/figure. The maximum number of graphic objects (tables, pictures, figures, and schemes) is seven, numbered by order of inclusion in the text. Tables display the title above with dimensions of 7.5 or 15.5 cm, and figures display the title below in font size 8 pts. The format of symbols and statistical language is adequate. Figures are legible and with an indication of the source (the format should be JPG, TIF, PNG, or GIF, and its resolution should be equal or superior to 600 px and with width dimensions between 7.5 and 15.5 cm). Developing and formatting the figures/graphs in formats compatible with Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint is suggested.

The authors declare that they have fully respected the APA citation and formatting rules (2020, 7th edition). The bibliographical references (maximum 50) are representative of scientific evidence produced and indexed in the last 5 years (80%) or more than 6 years (20%). Systematic review articles can have a maximum of 100 bibliographical references.

How to cite


Scientific journal article

Castro, R. R. T., Neto, J. G. da S., Alves, L. de S. M., Moreno, A. M., Orsini, M., & Castro, R. R. T. de. (2021). Infrared thermography for risk reduction of nosocomial cross infections during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Potential application in healthcare facilities. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 14.

Bresler, L. (Ed.). (2007). International Handbook of Research in Arts Education. Springer Netherlands.

Book Chapter

Rhodes, R. A. W. (2007). Blair and Governance. Em R. Koch & J. Dixon (Eds.), Public Governance and Leadership: Political and Managerial Problems in Making Public Governance Changes the Driver for Re-Constituting Leadership (pp. 95–116). DUV.



  • Articles should be submitted on Millennium's website at no cost to the author. Submission of articles requires prior registration as an author. All fields of the form must be completed: name of the author(s), e-mail(s), country(ies), ORCIDs, full affiliation (at three levels - e.g. department/research center, faculty, university).
  • Files for submission should be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format.
  • All submitted texts must respect the current editorial policy. This is available on Millenium's site. Articles that do not comply with these rules will be rejected immediately, and the review process will not begin.
  • The implementation of the Submission Process implies that the authors follow all the steps for online submission and upload the full anonymized text (download). Supporting documents are available for authors on Millenium's website.
  • To promote rapid communication and dissemination of scientific research, the journal will operate on a continuous publication basis, which means that papers will be made available as soon as they are approved and edited in their final version. The papers can already be cited and in their final version at this stage.


Authors are encouraged to use Standard Reporting Guidelines in the preparation of articles. According to the type of study, the following links can be used:

Type of study


Clinical Trials




Systematic reviews and meta-analysis on clinical trials            


Meta-analysis of observational studies


Diagnostic accuracy


Qualitative research



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