Statement of Publication Ethics and Practices
Declaration of Ethics and Publication Practices of Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health
Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health defines in this document a set of rules and principles by which the process of submission, editing, review, and publication of scientific articles must be governed. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health is sensitive to the use of inclusive and non-discriminatory language in relation to gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability and other differences. In this sense, Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health recommends the use of neutral forms of writing that allow for an inclusive reading of the text.
Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, within its policy of continuous improvement, respects high standards of ethical conduct, adopting, for this purpose, the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, Committee on Publication Ethics, 2018 version) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Millenium-Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health is guided by the principle that scientific facts and opinions must be separated: the former are untouchable, and the latter is free.
The Journal is independent of political power, economic power, and any pressure groups, identifying itself with democratic, pluralistic, and solidary values. In the exercise of its activity, it is governed by strict compliance with the ethical and deontological standards of scientific activities, research, and journalism. It defends the pluralism of opinion without prejudice to being able to take its positions.
All publications do not produce any revenue for the managing entity of the journal, and according to the transparency policy, all issues are duly made available and advertised on the SAARC platform and RCAAP, ensuring due visibility and publicity to the scientific and technical production developed, as well as contact with other journals.
Millenium- Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health deals strongly with unethical publishing behavior
The editorial team develops all its work with high responsibility, trying to identify any misconduct and preventing the publication of plagiarized documents, with citation manipulation, data falsification, or biased presentation of data or information.
If concerns are raised, or clarifications are needed, the editorial team will request evidence of ethical approval of the research and ask the authors about ethical aspects.
If any ethical breach or other misconduct is detected, Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health will consider withdrawing the text from publication by the COPE Guidelines for retracting articles.
The editorial team of a peer-reviewed journal is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal should be published. The editor may be guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and current legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor may consult with other editors when making decisions.
The editorial team must evaluate manuscripts for intellectual content and scientific relevance, regardless of authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy.
The editorial team should not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and the editor as appropriate.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Inside information or ideas obtained through peer review should be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Editors undertake to avoid and declare any potential conflict of interest. If an editor is an author/co-author and submits a paper to the journal, the submission will be handled by other editors who do not express a conflict of interest.
The reviewers of Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health commit themselves to conduct their work according to COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics (
Contribution to editorial decisions
The reviewers must evaluate the article's merit, originality, and adequacy according to the editorial guidelines of Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health. The reviewers must govern their actions based on responsibility and professional, scientific, and academic competence. As such, all submitted articles undergo a double-blind peer-review process, guaranteed by national and foreign reviewers with high academic qualifications and experience in each of the scientific areas covered by the Journal.
Peer review assists editors in making editorial decisions and, through editorial communications with authors, can help them improve their articles.
Any invited reviewer who feels that the article does not correspond to his/her area of expertise or cannot review the article should notify the editors immediately and decline the invitation to review so that alternative reviewers can be contacted.
Confidentiality and use of AI
Reviewers must ensure the confidentiality of their work by not revealing any details. If reviewers identify any practice in breach of ethical conduct on the author's part, they must alert the editor. The same principle also applies to invited reviewers who decline the review invitation. Reviewers should not upload a submitted paper or part of it to a public generative AI tool. This practice may violate authors' confidentiality and property rights and, where the article contains personally identifying information, may violate data privacy rights.
This confidentiality requirement extends to the peer review report, as it may contain confidential information about the manuscript and the authors. For this reason, reviewers should not upload the peer review report to a public AI tool, even if it is only to improve language and readability.
Reviewers should not use generative AI or AI-assisted technologies to assist in the scientific review of a paper, as the critical thinking and original evaluation required for peer review are outside the scope of such technology, and there is a risk that the technology will generate incorrect, incomplete or biased conclusions about the manuscript. The reviewer is responsible for the content of the review report.
Standards of objectivity
Reviews should be conducted objectively, and observations expressed clearly, based on arguments that support them and that support the authors in revising and improving the article.
Respect for diversity, dignity, and human rights are fundamental principles. Therefore their assessments cannot be influenced by the article's origins, nationality, religious or political convictions, sex, gender identity, physical ability, socio-economic status, or any other characteristics they perceive relative to the authors or for commercial reasons. Reviewers should draft their comments cordially, constructively, and objectively, refraining from using hostile or coarse language.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Reviewers must declare any potential conflict of interest. They must decline to review if they identify the author(s) and work or if they consider there to be any other conflict of interest on their part (personal, professional, financial, or otherwise). Alternative reviewers and editors will be found in case of a conflict of interest.
Originality and plagiarism
Authors must guide their actions by the principle of integrity, so they commit to submitting an original article not yet published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. They must ensure that it is authentic research, without falsification of data or results, and that it is an original work, without plagiarism, of their own or others' work.
Use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies
Text generated from Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT and others based on large linguistic models (LLMs), cannot be used in articles published in scientific journals, nor can the accompanying figures, images, or graphics be products of such tools, without explicit permission from the editors. Furthermore, an AI program cannot be the author of a Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health article. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their paper, even the parts produced by an AI tool, and are therefore liable for any violation of publication ethics. A violation of this policy constitutes scientific misconduct.
Authorship and Contribution
At the moment of the submission of the text of the work (article), the Authors Form must be submitted, with the filling of the author’s names, affiliation, mail, orcid ID, the contribution of the authors, declaring that they do not have conflicts of interest of personal, commercial, academic, political or financial order.
Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health ensures that authors can identify their participation in the published articles through a precise and detailed description with the different contributions in its template.
The authors' contribution is indicated according to CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). More information about CRediT is at
The corresponding author should act as a contact point between the editor and the other authors, keeping the coauthors informed and involving them in major decisions about the publication.
Changes in authorship
Authors are expected to consider authorship carefully before submission of the article. Any changes in authorship should be made during the editorial process before the article is accepted. Changes in authorship, including any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of authors' names, will require the approval of all authors. To request any change in authorship, a change of authorship request should be submitted, including the corresponding author's signature and the reason for the change. Any changes in authorship requested after the acceptance of the article may result in a delay in the publication of the article and the need to prove authorship of the work in question.
Authors must check the submission's compliance against all the listed items.
- Ensure that the submitted manuscript does not contain any identifying data of the authors and that the instructions for Blind Peer Review have been followed.
- To declare that the article submitted to Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health is original, that it has not been published elsewhere, as well as to assume the commitment that it will not be published later in the same form or another language.
- To declare that the article complies with the citation process recommended by Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health and does not contain plagiarism.
- Declare that the article respects the ethical procedures regarding the elaboration and publication of scientific work and does not infringe the current legislation on copyright.
- Declare that there are no conflicts of interest and that the support received is documented in the article.
- Declare the submission of the article written in English, Portuguese, or Castilian, and in case of being in Portuguese or Castilian, the commitment to translate it into English, level A.
- Authorise the indexation of the article in databases of national or international networks in which Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health is or will be indexed.
- To declare responsibility, as well as the other authors, for any infraction inherent to the principles described above or others that harm Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health and the principles of the rigor of the scientific community.
Submissions that are not by the guidelines will be returned to the authors.
The editors reserve the right to reject articles that do not conform to the above guidelines. The author will be held responsible for misrepresentation or non-compliance with the above guidelines.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
They should be governed by professional, scientific, and academic responsibility and competence principles. There should be no conflicts of interest that could influence the work results. Authors should indicate sources of funding that have supported the production of the submitted text.
Dignity of human beings or animals
Authors should act with respect for diversity, dignity, and human rights. The use of non-discriminatory language is mandatory for all manuscripts.
If the work involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment that present unusual risks inherent to their use, the authors must identify them clearly in the manuscript. Suppose the work involves using animals or human participants. In that case, authors must ensure that relevant laws and institutional guidelines performed all procedures and that the appropriate institutional committee approved it.
Sex and Gender Equity in Research
Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health encourages authors to follow the Sex and Gender Equity in Research - SAGER- Guidelines. The terms sex (biological attribute) and gender (constructed based on social and cultural circumstances) should be used with care to avoid confusion and misuse. Thus, throughout the article, all references to these terms, sex, and gender, should be clearly and unambiguously stated, and, if necessary, an explanation of their use should be provided.
Peer review
Authors must participate in the peer review process and cooperate fully by responding promptly to requests from editors for clarification, evidence of ethical approval, and copyright permissions. In the case of the first decision of "revisions required," authors must respond to the reviewers' comments systematically, point by point, and promptly, revising and resubmitting the article to the journal within the established deadline.
Fundamental errors in published work
Errors, when identified, should be immediately reported to the editors so that the corresponding correction can be published.
Suppose a third party detects that a published paper contains a significant error or inaccuracy. In that case, the authors must promptly correct or retract the paper or provide evidence to the journal editors of the paper's correction.