Administration of intravenous medication in hospitals

contributions to safe evidence-based practice




Patient safety, Evidence-based nursing, Intravenous administration, Medication errors


Introduction: The administration of intravenous medication may involve risks such as infection, and demand the implementation of safe practices.

Objectives: To provide the guidelines regarding preparation/administration of intravenous medication, in a hospital setting; To provide the guidelines regarding insertion/maintenance of peripheral venous catheter, in a hospital setting; To provide evidence supporting safe practice in preparation/administration of intravenous medication; To increase nurses’ awareness on evidence-based practice.
Methods: Analysis of: International recommendations focusing on the preparation/administration of intravenous medication and insertion/maintenance of peripheral venous catheter; Deviations from safe practice.

Results: Existing evidence supports guidelines for the preparation and administration of intravenous medication through a peripheral venous catheter; however, several studies report deviations from these guidelines.

Conclusions: We identified the need for analyse of established practices in order to find strategies that promote change, which ensure the implementation of safe practices in the preparation and administration of intravenous therapy.


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How to Cite

Bastos, C., & Barbieri, M. do C. (2020). Administration of intravenous medication in hospitals: contributions to safe evidence-based practice . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(11), 49–55.



Life and Healthcare Sciences