Relevance of information when elderly returning home after cataract surgery
nurses' perspective
aged, homecoming, cataract extraction, nursesAbstract
Introduction: Cataracts, associated with the senescence process, lead to visual changes that condition daily life. A surgical procedure is the standard treatment, which makes nurses a privileged professional group to identify both the potential and difficulties of these patients so as to facilitate their health/illness transition when they return home.
Objetive: To explore the information that nurses provide in preparing the return home of elderly patients after cataract surgery.
Methods: Qualitative research study, with data collection using the focus group technique, based on an intentional sample composed of six nurses. Data analysis was performed with a posteriori categorization according to Bardin (2015).
Results: Three categories of relevant topics were found: “Facilitating/inhibiting factors” (age, cognitive ability, awareness of their clinical and socioeconomic situation); “Management of the post-operative therapeutic regimen” (medication regimen and prior preparation); “Promotion of the potential for autonomy” (empowerment and organizational management).
Conclusion: The recognition of relevant information in preparing for homecoming allows clinical pathways to be defined with a view to better decision making, in favour of guaranteeing the quality and continuity of care.
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