Risk management in the local housing strategy
risk management, local housing strategy, financial deficiency situationAbstract
Introduction: In Portugal, local housing strategies (LHS) have a municipal framework, with different levels of application of urban, territorial, social, and economic policy instruments and, thus, the answer is holistic in view of the housing problems of households, specifically, conditioned by poverty, aging, social exclusion, unemployment, and abandonment of territories.
Objective: Study the application of the LHS, identifying the management of risks that must be mitigated in order to allow citizens access to decent housing
Methods: A theoretical analysis focused on the review of literature associated with LHS, legislation and regulations, in Portugal and in the European Union and an empirical analysis focused on an exploratory descriptive analysis of the statistics associated with the citizen's “financial need situation”.
Results: They highlight the risks inherent in HLT, which citizens face in order to enjoy decent housing.
Conclusion: Risk management within LHS present good practices developed, often applied in strict compliance with the law, regulations, and standards, demonstrate that the stakeholders promote true social responsibility strategies, undoubtedly recognized as crucial to promote economic success, social innovation, well-being, and the quality of life of the citizen.
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