Nursing interventions implemented in the emergency department for acute stroke victims
scoping review
nursing, nursing care, stroke, emergency service, hospitalAbstract
Introduction: The cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a medical emergency with a negative impact on people's lives. Interventions administered in the Emergency Service, in addition to being decisive to minimize late complications resulting from stroke, favor the quality of care provided to the person in the most acute phase of the clinical condition.
Objective: To map the nursing technologies implemented for adult victims of acute stroke, in the context of the Emergency Service.
Methods: A Scope Review was carried out according to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology. Search strategy defined in PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Reports, SciELO, LILACS and BDENF – Nursing databases. Two independent researchers performed a selection of studies, extraction and data synthesis, based on the objectives and defined research questions. The results are found using a diagram (PRISMA flow diagram), evidence tables and a narrative.
Results: Articles with defined eligibility criteria, published between 2011 and 2021, were included. They resulted from quantitative and qualitative studies, literature reviews and scientific statements based on guidelines. Effective nursing actions implemented for the victim of acute stroke in the context of the Emergency Service were mapped. Initial, screening, activation of rapid response stroke protocols, stroke risk assessment, stabilization, monitoring, invasive nursing procedures, administration of intravenous treatment, preparation and follow-up to carry out assessment of invasive medical tests and procedures, detection early complications, transfer/transfer of care, collaboration in the distance care service, and interventions in the domain of quality, as being nursing practices implemented in the Emergency Service for the victim of acute stroke. The nursing team plays a preponderant role in the care of people with acute stroke in the context of the Emergency Service. The early recognition of stroke signs and symptoms is crucial for assistance, prompt and adequate treatment and, consequently, the survival of the person victim of an acute stroke.
Conclusion: Continuing education, implementation of protocols based on scientific guidelines and research studies will contribute to a better nursing practice in the care of acute stroke victims in the Emergency Service.
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