Empty nest couples’ conjugalities and family interactions
analysis based on the dynamic model of family assessment and intervention
Marital relationship, empty nest, family nursing, marital satisfaction, Model of Family Assessment and InterventionAbstract
Introduction: Changes in family dynamics mark the phase in the family life cycle when adult children leave home. These changes involve marital reorganization and redefining the relationships between parents and children.
Objective: To explore couples’ perspectives on their empty nest conjugality, analyze couples’ development and empty nest families’ functioning, describe couples’ adaptation to their adult children’s departure, and examine the resources facilitating couples’ adaptation to this phase.
Methods: This is a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. The sample, recruited using the snowball method, consisted of eight heterosexual empty nest couples (N = 16). Information was collected using semi-structured interviews. The data were treated and analyzed using Bardin’s content analysis, with categories based on the Dynamic Model of Evaluation and Family Intervention.
Results: The couples gradually adapted to the changes caused by their children’s departure. They were satisfied with their conjugality and the interaction maintained with their children. Communication differences were overcome and did not harm the marital development. The coping strategies were effective. Female participants showed a greater need to dedicate themselves to interests and recreational and leisure activities.
Conclusion: The couples were satisfied with their conjugality, adapted well to their children’s departure, and opened to the family. The Family Health nurse was recognized as a facilitating agent in this adaptation process.
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