Nurses ´ attitudes and knowledge regarding the prevention of Intubation-Associated Pneumonia




attitudes; knowledge; nurses; intubation-associated pneumonia; intubation


Introduction: Intubation-associated Pneumonia (IAP) is the most prevalent infection in intensive care. Adherence to the "bundles of interventions" for preventing IAP increases the quality of care for critically ill patients. Increasing nurses' knowledge of IAP prevention improves the quality of care for critically ill patients.

Objective: To assess the nurses’ knowledge and attitudes in the prevention of intubation-associated pneumonia in a mixed medical-surgical intensive care unit (ICU) and in an Emergency Department - Intermediate Care (ED-IC).

Methods: Quantitative study, descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional cohort study, in a non-probabilistic sample of 52 nurses who work in an ICU and in an Emergency Department - Intermediate Care of a hospital in Central Portugal. A questionnaire on attitudes and knowledge about IAP prevention was applied online.

Results: Higher levels of knowledge were obtained, with significant differences, among those who work in the ICU (M=8.58; U=157.0; p=0.001), have a Master's degree (M=9.82; U=96.5; p=0.004), a post-graduate specialization and post-graduate studies (H=8.32; p=0.040) and take part in IAP prevention programs (U=103.5; p<0.001). Attitudes and interventions were more prevalent among ICU nurses (M=4.04; U=56.5; p<0.001), those with more than 20 years in the service (H=7.15; p=0.028), and those with an internal procedure or protocol for preventing IAP (U=86.0; p<0.001), all with significant differences. Knowledge and attitudes about IAP prevention had a positive, moderate, and statistically significant correlation (r=0.479; p<0.001).

Conclusion: Nurses working in PICU and SU-IC generally have reasonable knowledge and appropriate attitudes towards IAP prevention.


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How to Cite

Lopes, E., & Dias, A. M. (2024). Nurses ´ attitudes and knowledge regarding the prevention of Intubation-Associated Pneumonia . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(15e), e34046.



Life and Healthcare Sciences